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hi Peter<br><br>quote: '(I would prefer fix but they will not even boot currently)'<br><br>get hold of hiren's boot CD<br><br>http://www.hirensbootcd.net/<br><br>It's been a lifesaver for many of my PC's which go walkabout<br><br>Often after my attempts to install & dual boot linux on a windoze box<br>I do wish they didn't build linux destruct into windoze<br>Main problems I find are goosed mbr/fat tables, or grub/NTLoader problems<br><br>HTH<br><br>Aitch<br>==============================================<br><br>> Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 11:55:05 +0100<br>> From: peterachilds@gmail.com<br>> To: kent@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>> Subject: Re: [Klug-general] Laptop purchase. any recommendations?<br>> <br>> 2009/6/1 J D Freeman <klug@quixotic.org.uk>:<br>> > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br>> > Hash: SHA1<br>> ><br>> > On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 10:39:27AM +0100, Karl Lattimer wrote:<br>> >><br>> >> A friend once said to me real hackers choose thinkpads...<br>> >><br>> >> Indestructible machines... Unless you drop another thinkpad on one (yes<br>> >> I have a friend that did this).<br>> >><br>> >> So I'd say, thinkpad it is.<br>> ><br>> > Who are you and what have you done with the real karl? :p<br>> ><br>> > I would recommend a thinkpad everytime. The amount of abuse they will take<br>> > is quite remarkable. Surpassed only by the likes of panasonic tough books,<br>> > and products of GRID. They also have very very good linux support, and are<br>> > well known for their reliability.<br>> ><br>> > Don't necessarily go for the latest and greatest, second hand thinkpads<br>> > are quite easy to come by and due to their wonderful construction they<br>> > last forever. Add to the fact that if you aren't using windows you don't<br>> > need as much cpu/ram, you will find that you can save alot by getting last<br>> > years model.<br>> ><br>> > HTH<br>> ><br>> <br>> From what I can work out these days; There is nothing actually wrong<br>> with a 5 year old model either. Computers just don't age like they<br>> used to. (However they do still break)<br>> <br>> Any ideas on what I should get for a new desktop... As I had two break<br>> over the weekend. and either need them fixed or replaced. (I would<br>> prefer fix but they will not even boot currently)<br>> <br>> Peter.<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Kent mailing list<br>> Kent@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>> https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/kent<br><br /><hr />Windows Live Messenger just got better. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/134665230/direct/01/' target='_new'>Find out more!</a></body>