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Hi, J<br><br> thanks<br><br>"Which part of the costs do you want to reduce? Hardware costs? Running<br><pre>costs (power, phone line?)"<br><br>running costs, both PC & phone - hardware comes and goes [thanks to fish, btw :)]<br><br>I'm working on the power bit, with an epia mini itx I'm currently building, <br>but phone/broadband costs are a struggle<br><br>I keep reading about voip but haven't got my head around it, though I did download a copy of trixbox 2.4, <br>but had a mobo failure on the box I was going to try it on<br><br>tried skype - sucks IMHO, uses too much resources <br><br>I use meebo for my msn messenger as I still have my legacy hotmail account not all transferred to fastmail yet<br><br>I keep reading about ATAs, as using a phone that only works when the PC is on, sucks, too<br><br>I have a huawei 220 on 3/payg for my IBM t21 that's expensive to use, too, but works well with puppylinux<br></pre>I never got wifi roaming to go other than where you had to pay to log-on<br><br>- not very good at cracking passwords~~~LOL<br><br>I have many friends abroad Europe/Canada/US and travel a fair bit, too <br><br>any ideas?<br><br>Aitch :)<br>=========================================<br>> Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 14:20:18 +0100<br>> From: klug@quixotic.org.uk<br>> To: kent@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>> Subject: Re: [Klug-general]        It’s finally here – the new Kent Linux User Group        website<br>> <br>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br>> Hash: SHA1<br>> <br>> On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 01:10:15PM +0000, nic dan wrote:<br>> > <br>> > Hi<br>> > Perhaps a talk is needed on setting up a twitter account [or rss feed] & it's advantages/disadvantages for boring old farts like me<br>> <br>> Twitter is simply a way of finding out what other people are doing. Quick<br>> simple text blurts in 140 characters or less. <br>> <br>> https://twitter.com/about <br>> <br>> This link will tell you more about it. <br>> <br>> RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It allows you to subscribe to<br>> a feed (an xml document) using a reader, to keep upto date with what<br>> websites. So rather than having to flick round the bbc, guardian, times,<br>> cnn, etc.. in the morning, your rss reader will take the feed from each of<br>> their sites and put it in a simple display were you can read all the<br>> headlines for all of the sites. Readers come in various forms, from<br>> googlereader (http://google.co.uk/reader), to rawdog<br>> (http://offog.org/code/rawdog.html), to some browsers, and so on and so<br>> forth. <br>> <br>> > I still struggle with texting...~~~ ....& I'm only a novice emailer so why would I want/need a mega feed [unless I'm hungry??]<br>> <br>> The megafeed is different from email. <br>> <br>> > My mailbox gets full enough already, or did I miss something here?<br>> <br>> Kinda.<br>> <br>> > Are you really all that geeky, or is it just, young?<br>> <br>> No, some of us are infact proud to admit to being geeks. Sad tho some may<br>> feel that to be. (see http://catb.org/jargon/ for more info).<br>> <br>> > I need to know how to reduce my communications/computing/network costs, if anyone has any tips....pension doesn't go far<br>> <br>> Which part of the costs do you want to reduce? Hardware costs? Running<br>> costs (power, phone line?) <br>> <br>> HTH<br>> <br>> J<br>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>> Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)<br>> <br>> iD8DBQFKLmGR42M0lILkmGIRAs5fAJ4997eM8nuoBbAZiJQpCo8IfItfUwCg8oKk<br>> PM4XpMnIU4LJQIQeKi+PiFQ=<br>> =GNr+<br>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Kent mailing list<br>> Kent@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>> https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/kent<br><br /><hr />View your Twitter and Flickr updates from one place – <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/137984870/direct/01/' target='_new'>Learn more!</a></body>