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Hello all, I'd be grateful for any advice on the following:<br><br>I exchange "lots" of data between two sites, one in London on BeThere ADSL (19Mb/s down, 1.3Mb/s up) and one at a friend's house in Canterbury, currently on Pipex ADSL (2Mb/s down, 256Kb/s up).<br><br>Pipex have been unbelievably cr*p, and my friend is now looking for another ISP. One consideration is the transfer between sites.<br><br>I suppose that it would be best if the second site was on BeThere, but unfortunately they cannot offer service on her exchange.<br><br>Is there any way I can find out which other ISP's are best connected ("peered"?) with BeThere, and thus have a (generally) faster / more reliable link between the two sites?<br><br>Or is my ignorance leading me to bark up the wrong tree?<br><br>Thanks...<br /><hr />Windows Live Messenger: Celebrate 10 amazing years with free winks and emoticons. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/157562755/direct/01/' target='_new'>Get Them Now</a></body>