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Hi Simon<br>Excuse my ignorance, but it sounds like something else going on<br>AFAIK, there should be no difference between which ISP connects to a BE account provided line<br>Again, AFAIK, there's nothing in any protocols that identifies the provider<br>Wouldn't something like a vpn or ftp hookup suffice?<br>Since you know about uplink limiting, you can expect different directional flow SPEED, but reliability of connection, should be the same both ways<br>Are you sure it's not a dns issue, perhaps try open dns & see if it makes a difference<br>http://www.opendns.com/solutions/homenetwork/<br>If anyone else can see a flaw in this, don't shoot me :)<br>Aitch<br>========================================<br><br><hr id="stopSpelling">From: simon_rivers@hotmail.co.uk<br>To: kent@mailman.lug.org.uk<br>Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 19:26:07 +0000<br>Subject: [Klug-general] [OT]Best ISP for connection with BeThere?<br><br>
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Sorry to break the thread, couldn't figure out how to maintain it from my digest.<br>Thanks for your replies. <pre>><i> Is there any way I can find out which other ISP's are best connected <br></i>><i> ("peered"?) with BeThere, and thus have a (generally) faster / more <br></i>><i> reliable link between the two sites?<br></i>><i> <br></i>><i> Or is my ignorance leading me to bark up the wrong tree?<br><br></i>Even a dullard like me can figure out that it's uplink limited ! (ADSL).<br><br>O2 are also unable to provide service at the exchange in question.<br><br>Unfortunately the requirement for best data transfer between the sites<br>is for my benefit only (I use it mainly for remote backup), and my friend<br>wouldn't consider anything other than a cheapish domestic contract.<br><br>My question is, can one find out which other ISPs have the best connection<br>to BeThere?<br><br>And, given the restrictions, is this the question to be asking, i.e.<br>if I could find out and choose that ISP, would that make a<br>difference to the average speed / reliability of the link?<br><br><br><br><br></pre><br><br><hr>Windows Live Messenger: Celebrate 10 amazing years with free winks and emoticons. <a href="http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/157562755/direct/01/">Get Them Now</a><br /><hr />Internet Explorer 8 - accelerate your Hotmail. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/134665338/direct/01/' target='_new'>Download Internet Explorer 8</a></body>