Hi Sharon, Thanks for the reference to your blog, I very much like the look of nanoblogger and intend to get into that.<div><br><div>Basically the functions I need are all to do with managing my wordpress blogs. I've got bags of tools for doing this but want to learn how to write my own functions using Bash script. I know it seems simpler to run my windows tools under Linux, but I figured I only need to rewrite a small number of functions and go completely native Linux. Also, I can reduce the cost of software licence by moving to Bash.</div>
</div><div><br></div><div>One of the primary functions I need is to read all the pages on my blog and copy the meta tags to a txt file, so I can see which tags are SEO'd and which are not. These are the kind of webmaster admin functions i need. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Any ideas, gratefully received.</div><div>Stephen</div>