[Lancaster] Web Page

Martyn Welch martyn at 22balmoralroad.net
Wed Aug 13 18:00:01 2003

Hi Wayne,

That's OK, I can take critisism. If you had spent much time in the bobbin
(I have, I'm guesing you haven't) the choice of colours (I guess the main
complaint) would possibly make more sense, believe it or not my original
design was lighter! The actual content is being sorted out by the person
who asked me to produce it and I am waiting for that to arrive to replace
my drivel.

I personnally feel that the current site needs to be changed and has been
that way for to long (well, at least since the 30th October) and a basic
replacement page with upto date information on it (however bad) would be
better than the current out of date one.

My main reason as I have stated before is that I wish to see some of the
old faces again and hopefully some new faces. The last planned meeting I
turned upto (on the normal night) I was there with one other lad (sorry it
you arre reading I forget names easily). Usually there are 3 of us (last
few months anyway).

The computer room is really beginning to come together and unless some
single _easy_ communication method is sorted out now I think that the
concensus among the 3 or so who have turned up recently there is a danger
that the Lug will fall apart. Hence getting rid of the second mailing list
and the forum at least until our numbers are great enough to demand it.
I'm suggesting utilising just the mailing list for now as lug.org.uk
kindly provide it and archive it and provide a link to the
"www.lancasterlug.co.uk" website. This way be can sort out who hosts the
website and forum as necessary more democratically.


> Hi ive been to the meetings a few times - And I basically think a
> lancaster LUG is great.
> I think you should maybe organize one large meeting getting all current
> members and people who have been in the past like me!! Then plan what
> needs to be done IE web site forum - Who is hosting - Mailing list -
> Just sort things out face to face its easier than emails!!  Im not being
> awfull but I also took a look at the demo website and I woukldnt let you
> build my website!! Ithink carefull palnning and tean effort into the
> website / mail list etc (and LUG) would make more people aware and join.
> Any questions mail me at wayne@inteconline.co.uk
> Wayne
> Ps no offence to the guy who built the bobbin site, maybe just not my
> cup of tea!