[Lancaster] virtual library alpha release.

Andy Baxter andy at earthsong.free-online.co.uk
Fri Jan 16 13:28:07 GMT 2004

just to let you all know that after much procrastination, the first  
alpha release of the lancaster virtual library website is now online  

if you want to have a look. It's running over adsl from the old
pentium in my living room, which is a bit noisy, but I'm planning to  
leave it running until the 26th to give people a chance to see it.

The code is all at:

You need the following perl modules to run it:
mysql DBI module
and a custom version of HTML::Template which is in the root directory  
of the
ftp site, along with a dump of the current mysql database, which you  
import with:

mysql -p < Library.dump

The scripts all expect there to be a mysql user called 'library' with  
'library', who has full modification rights on all the tables.

any comments welcome. A few things aren't done yet - mainly the search  
function and the form validation, plus the list of subject categories  
isn't yet finalised.

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