[Lancaster] Taking the lug forwards.

max max at tofubandits.org.uk
Wed Jun 2 13:41:50 BST 2004

On Wednesday 02 Jun 2004 1:06 pm, Ken Hough wrote:
> Max,
> It might be helpful [[IF]] we could get the public library to understand
> what Linux and 'Open Source' is all about and that it's not
> cheap/tacky/unreliable.
the library is happy to take donations of books - i feel to persuade them to 
take copies of freesoftware we'd have to talk more about copyright and 
licencing (ie that it is perfectly ok to distribute these things).

i know someone in the library, so we can ask them what the best way in would 

> In my experience, you have to be lucky to find any library books about
> Linux. Even the main bookshop in Kendal has only a few and almost all
> are based on or are specifically about Red Hat. I did try to explain
> that there is more to Linux, The glazed look told me to stop.
it's quite easy. we find a good book (any reccomendations anyone?) and then go 
and order it for 70p at the library. after we've borrowed it once it goes on 
the shelves and in their catalogue.


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