[Lancaster] audio workshop

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Fri Jun 17 16:27:30 BST 2005


Sorry to have taken so long to get around to it, but thanks for the 
presentation on audio under Linux. I found it quite informative. For 
example, I've now got some idea what 'rezound' looks like and what 
'jack' does!

Anyway, it's always helpful to know how other people work -- keeps the 
grey cells working.

I've been pondering over what I could contribute. Do you think that a 
comparison of various distros would be popular? (I'll bring a fire 

I was thinking along the lines of using a PC with plug in hard drives 
holding pre-installed distros and then (depending on time) a demo 
installation chosen by the 'audience'.

I could talk a little about my own experiences of external hardware, 
including USB devices. This is becoming more important as printers, etc 
go USB and laptops are now being produced without serial coms and PCMCIA 

What do you think?

Thanks again

Ken Hough

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