[Lancaster] Wobblies in Mandriva

Ken Hough kenhough at uklinux.net
Mon May 9 18:51:37 BST 2005

Martyn & Max,

re my last message concerning boot loaders under Mandriva.

I've discovered that 'grub' had been installed and set up in the boot 
record of hda1 (Linux boot partition). Failure to boot was due to 
Mandriva not setting hda1 as active. As Mandrake/Mandriva is pitched as 
being the most user friendly Linux distro, I reckon this is a fairly bad 

BTW, I opted to put the boot loader in a Linux partition because this is 
a dual booting (test) settup with MS Win98. Reinstallation of Win 98 
always overwrites the MBR.


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