[Lancaster] Selling components of silent PC

Rene Mayrhofer rene at mayrhofer.eu.org
Wed Sep 7 17:34:35 BST 2005

Hi all,

This might be a bit off-topic, so please just ignore if you are not interested 
in hardware components (they have successfully run Linux though....).

Since my VIA EPIA-M 6000 board died of age (capacitors, which seem to have 
been cheap ones for the very early board series), I am now selling the other 
components that I used for my silent PC:

- Morex Cubid 2699 case in black with external (notebook-style) power supply, 
fanless (it has two case fans which I never used but which might be of use 
when more hardware is put into it)

- Slimline DVD drive with matching front (I have to check for the brand, but 
it's very quiet, which was my primary criteria for a slient PC)

- possibly also the 512 MB DDR2700 RAM module that was used in the board (but 
this is optional since I could re-use it in my desktop machine)

Complete cabling is included.

With a new VIA EPIA-M 6000 board (fanless of course and quite cheap e.g. from 
http://www.mini-box.com/) and optionally a hard disk, it is a complete silent 

If you are interested in these components, please drop me a private mail.

with best regards,
Rene (new to Lancaster)
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