[Lancaster] Ubuntu upgrade

Ken Walton ken.walton at carandol.net
Thu Jun 1 21:15:46 BST 2006

Hi folks,

Those with an interest in such things might like to know that I upgraded
to Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) today, and the whole process went
wonderfully smoothly. Took about 4 hours on a 800MHz Thinkpad with a
less than optimal wifi connection. A shiny new default theme (though the
old ones are still available), and appreciably faster boot and shutdown
times are the immediately obvious things. The only problem I've had so
is that the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in isn't working in Epiphany,
though I'm sure that's easy to fix. Oh, and I had to renew a few desktop
icons. Everything else is working fine, much to my surprise :-) I'm

Ken Walton <ken.walton at carandol.net>

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