[Lancaster] Presentations, meetings and queries (Was: PHP/MySQL training)

Martyn Welch welchm at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Mon May 8 09:30:41 BST 2006


On Saturday 06 May 2006 17:06, Dave Smith wrote:
> I seem to remember in the not-too-distant passed somebody putting
> together a LAMP presentation and link to the information planned on the
> website somewhere (just about to check the site again now...).

That would be me!

The article that the presentation was taken from is still up on the web, 
though I've been moving things. It's now here:


I've got the presentation slides somewhere - I'll have to get them converted 
it ODF and put them up!

> Is that 
> an ongoing series or a one-off thing? I was unable to make the first one
> I heard about due to not being in the country (technically I'm still
> not...) but sounded interesting!

It's on going, when someone wants to present something!

Tonight (Monday 8th May) we have a talk planned at Lancaster Uni (7pm, Furness 
Back-bar), an introduction to Fedora Core 5.

> On an unrelated note, any talks planned for Mid-June / Early July?

Not at the moment - though I might just go and put up a page on our wiki with 
a timetable - Feel free to propose something (It might be worth posting it on 
this mailing list so we can help arrange it!)

> I'm 
> probably gonna miss the first Tuesday meeting but any others would be
> good to get to.

That's nice to hear!

Just to let everyone know - I'm planning to try and arrange regular monthly 
meetings on campus. Given the state of the current poll 
(http://tinyurl.com/fx443), though statistically there's probably not enough 
votes to decided anything, it seems that Monday is the most popular night and 
thus that's when we will be holding it. 

I guess this will replace one of the town meetings (1 in town, 1 at uni), what 
does everyone think?

Given that Mondays seem the most popular, what does everyone think about 
moving the LUG town meeting?



Martyn Welch (welchm at comp.lancs.ac.uk)

PGP Key : http://ubicomp.lancs.ac.uk/~martyn/pgpkey/
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