[Lancaster] Fwd: Re: Hey

Darren Poulson llug at 22balmoralroad.net
Tue Nov 13 16:03:55 UTC 2012

Hi Andy,

Its a new site anyway, so old usernames are long gone. Get yourself 
along some time, we're a friendly bunch and its an excuse for a bunch of 
geeks to get together for a beer or a brew and talk nerdy! As more 
people start coming, we may find more demos like the arduino one that 
Andy did last meeting. I know I've got a few things that I'd like to 
show off, tho' the main one is a bit bulky to bring to the pub.

The Rasp Pi is a great machine. If you're using raspbmc, I'd recommend 
having a look at Xbian, its a lot easier and seems more stable. Of 
course if you have any specific problems with the ubuntu box, I'm sure 
people in the LUG can help. :)

Here's a list of games on steam:


Oh, and we've got a G+ page now, for those trying to jump ship from 
Facebook. I'm going to try and keep its events calendar up to date, 
which means LUG meetings will show up on your android phone! :)




On 13/11/12 15:31, Andrew Blakeman wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm Andy (cant remember what username I signed up with) I keep meaning to make it to the meetings at the gregson since I only live in town but keep forgetting, I am very interested to come along and find out what goes on.
> I work in MS SQL most the time but run a couple of ubuntu box's at home and having a play around with rasbmc and a ubuntu server box which is a bit frustrating at the moment.
> I'll have to make it along to a meeting soon.
> Out of curiosity what kinda games are on the steam on linux?
>> Oops, just realised I replied to Wayne only with this...
>> Hey,
>> As far as the site goes, I'd like to think we could give any confirmed members author access, but full admin should be limited to just a couple of people, with any major changes being ok'd by discussion once the site is stable. I think having the main home page static as it is, but allowing people to blog about relevant stuff would be cool. Have you tried any of the google+ plugins yet? Theres some good ones out there to link back to the G+ LUG page, and also for each member to have the author tags automatically put in and linked back.
>> My name is down for the Steam beta, but no word yet on access. I did get steam running under wine, but half the games wouldn't work. :(
>> I'll have to decline the xmas meeting. No idea what I'm going to be up to, but it usually involves hiding from anything to do with the dreaded season! (cue scoffs of Humbug, etc.)
>> On the topic of meetings, does anyone know how much it is to hire the gregson function room? I know it'll be a lot easier to do presentations there if its not too expensive, and they have a projector and such like set up already.
>> Darren.
>> PS. Installed steam from Wayne's instructions, and it does work rather well. Can't get Team Fortress 2 tho'.
>> On 09/11/12 15:56, Wayne Ward wrote:
>>> afternooooon :)
>>> its not expensive in the tavern and ill make sure they have the coal fire lit so its all nice and cosy, they do cheap ales
>>> i can get sarnies or i can get us big plates of chips with bread and we can make a load of chip butties!!! they are lovely !
>>> i  also noticed they have a projector if anybody wants to give a demo or we can have a good few beers and a geek chat!
>>> memebers of the group can you let us know (even the silent ones) if you are for a LLUG xmas bash :)
>>> ill probably change the theme a tad and add a links page and get the contact form working as soon as i get a jet pack activation back!!
>>> the spelling will be bloody awful and want looking at and the blog posts will be great to show a active runnng lug!
>>> i was just worried that somebody could start changing it all over like addding pages and content thought it might be better if we deceided we wanted say another page or somebody didnt like certain wording that we discuss it first otherwise we could end up in trouble! so if anybody wants access please let me know i can set up accounts, i think itll be good ill add theLLUG wordpress to my phone and can snap some shots at the next meeting which will fire them direct into the blog!!!
>>> i think you can use it with out signing up by following this pal...
>>> In order to enjoy the Valve on Linux Beta early users have been using the following steps?
>>>  From Terminal:
>>> wgethttp://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steam.deb
>>> sudo dpkg -i steam.deb && sudo apt-get install -f
>>> Then From Unity Dash Do:
>>> Launch Steam App
>>> Login to Steam
>>> You will get a message saying you aren?t in Beta close this.
>>> Finally from terminal run ?steam steam://open/games? without the quotations and you will experience Steam on Linux providing you have all the package dependencies and follow the above steps.
>>> wayne
>>> i think you can
>>> On 9 Nov 2012, at 15:34, Dave Leack<david.leack at veraz.co.uk>  wrote:

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