[Lancaster] 'wine' and usb devices

Ken Hough kenhough at kencomp.net
Tue Jun 4 06:51:45 UTC 2019

Hi Guys! It’s been some time since I met up with this group. I’m still 
using Debian Linux, presently Buster, and with excellent results. 
However, I’ve got a problem. Perhaps someone could help.

Before I describe the problem, I’ll describe some of the background.

I use Gimp (v2.10) and RawTherapee to process digital images (jpg and 
DSLR RAW formats). These work well –  IMHO as well as Photoshop and 
Lightroom running under one of those ‘orible commercial OSes! Also, I 
need to print images.

I’ve successfully calibrated the colour rendition of my monitor using a 
ColorVision Spyder5PRO and the Linux based DisplayCal (instead of the 
Windows based software provided by ColorVision). This allowed me to 
apply the resulting .icc file to the X system (via ‘xcalib’) so that all 
applications are colour managed. No problem there.

To calibrate printer/Inks/paper combinations I’ve got a ColorVision 
SpyderPRINT. This should allow me to use various printers, any make of 
ink, and any make of printing paper. The resulting .icc files could be 
inserted in the soft proofing option in Gimp. AFAIK, there isn’t any 
Linux based software to drive this device. I’ve checked the device out 
using Windows 7, but I really don’t want to work this way. So…..

The Windows based ColorVision SpyderPRINT software appears to work well 
with ‘wine’, but, it doesn’t detect the SpyderPRINT. Of course ‘wine’ 
needs a ‘comX’ connection to link with it in ~/.wine/dosdevices.

When I plug in the SpyderPrint, ‘lsusb’ responds with the line:

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 085c:0007 ColorVision, Inc.

So the device is recognised under Linux.

I guess that I need to provide a udev rule to accommodate the device. I 
haven’t discovered any (useful?) articles on how to do this. Help!


Ken Hough

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