[Lancaster] Local school looking for a Linux admin

Andrew Baxter highfellow at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 15:34:16 UTC 2021


I hope it is okay to use the list for this purpose even though the group is
no longer active.

This is a message from a friend of mine who currently looks after the
computers at Lancaster Steiner School:

Hi everyone. I have not been active here before and probably have too much
other stuff to do to be able to really engage much.


I have for the last few years been maintaining the Wordpress website,
Mailman lists and assisting with a hardware for a small, local school,
which is always struggling financially. It is the only alternative school
in Lancaster, currently developing a new integrated curriculum (to move
away Steiner philosophy exclusively) and only survives with a lot of
voluntary support from parents and the local community, such as me,

I have recently installed Linux Mint on a couple of donated laptops for
them and they have a couple of desktop machines running out of date Windows
that are largely unusable (well, Windows is unusable to my mind anyway, but
these are pretty much defunct), but they have nothing else. Before pushing
on with further transition to Linux, however, it would be good to have some
potential support backup. I won't be around forever.

So, if anyone is able to help a local, independent school in the future,
then please do get in touch!


PS: https://lancastersteinerschool.org/ - in the process of becoming
Lancaster Sustainability School, or something in that direction, with an
integrated curriculum that focuses on child-led and centered learning


I hope that somebody is able to help. Please contact martin -at-
lancastersteinerschool.org .


Andy Baxter
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