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Thanks for taking the time to do a lovely write up of the meeting Bex, I'm looking forward to the next one already.<BR>
Cheers, Jo<BR>
On Sun, 2011-10-23 at 23:18 +0100, Rebecca Newborough wrote:
Hi everyone
Lincoln LUG held their second meeting on 19th October, and this time
the venue was the recently re-furbished Ye Olde Crowne pub in Lincoln.
Dave, Steve and Jon from Hull LUG made the journey down to join us
again, and as well as Neal, Philip (hubby) and me attending, we were
also joined at this meeting by Carl and Jo.
Once the introductions were out of the way, and the food and drink
ordered, we all quickly settled into discussions about our work;
favourite distro's; favourite podcasts; shared interests and our
favourite sci-fi viewing. Jo and I even talked about knitting and
crocheting, and I put her in touch with my friend Hanna, who has a
shared passion for all things wool-related. There was the usual tech
out on display, and being the resourceful lady that she is, Jo also
brought an extension lead which was heavily utilised. We did a quick
straw poll on who had updated to the new and shiny Ubuntu 11.10
Oneiric Ocelot release which then prompted Carl to tell us about how
he was still using Slackware as his distribution of choice. We really
are a diverse bunch!
The beer and food were excellent, and the bar owner even brought over
an extra bowl of chips for us. He did make the mistake of asking us
who we were and what we were doing, and I watched his eyes glaze over
as I mentioned Linux and open source - I really must improve on my
marketing/selling skills! :D
All too quickly closing time was upon us and it was time to say our
goodbyes and leave, but not before we had agreed to go back to the
venue for November's meeting which will be on Wednesday 16th November
starting at 7.30pm. We all agreed that for the next meeting we would
try and sit in either the Library bar area or the tiered seating area,
as it was too cold sitting by the door!
Thanks to everyone for coming along; hope to see some more of you soon.
Becky Newborough
Lincoln mailing list
<A HREF="mailto:Lincoln@mailman.lug.org.uk">Lincoln@mailman.lug.org.uk</A>
<A HREF="https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/lincoln">https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/lincoln</A>