<p>I like this idea.</p>
<p>My suggestion on the forum was to organise a meet for the main LUG, and if there is enough interest in a specific area, someone take on the responsibility of organising the more local meet. If it takes off, keep it going. If it doesn't, regroup at the main meet and think of something else.</p>
<p>Rather than saying 'let's divide the county into these five sections', let's say, for instance, 'meetup in Grimsby, 12th Sept, 7PM at place X' and invite anyone along, but understand that people from Boston or Lincoln might not be able to make it. And do all this in addition to a main meet so if it flops we can discuss alternatives at the next big meet, or even on here our the forum. That way we can catalyse interest in different areas without treading on each other's toes.</p>