[Liverpool] Why me

David Watson david at planetwatson.co.uk
Sun Nov 14 21:00:14 GMT 2004

On Sun, 2004-11-14 at 20:53 +0000, Paul wrote:
> Hi,
> > Why is it that hardware is such a pain.
> All depends on the distro and hardware you're using.
> I remember under RH8 changing a HD was a right pain. Under FC3, I just
> add stuff, swap things about and leave everything else upto the machine.
> The only swine I've had was a recent move from x86 to x64 at work and
> even that wasn't too painful.

The OS (Debian) was not the problem the hardware took offence to being
changed and decided to fail, it first persuaded all nearby hardware to
play along.  Debian was waiting patiently for the server to work, but I
ended up using the opportunity to change to SCSI disks, hence the

David Watson
david at planetwatson.co.uk
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