[Liverpool] Linux Format Writeup

David Watson david at planetwatson.co.uk
Thu Nov 25 20:10:47 GMT 2004

I've filled in a couple of blanks.


The new group has a webpage up at http://liverpool.lug.org.uk/ but
communication between members is concentrated on the mailing list

The first meeting is planned for December 15th at Blue Fountain Systems
(http://www.bluefountain.com/) - who have generously sponsored the LUG
with a meeting venue and ???


David Watson
david at planetwatson.co.uk
GnuPG key available from http://www.planetwatson.co.uk
Fingerprint: 5FDB B1BE 9B31 D3A8 2981  7285 0DE8 799E A7D6 AE79

"Code is for life, use python"
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