[Liverpool] Introductions are in order

David Watson david at planetwatson.co.uk
Sat Oct 30 23:00:35 BST 2004

> > Have you tried using a drive silencer, may keep it quiet.
> A drive silencer? Details?

Have a look at:


> > I am curently working on a case mod myself, details will be on my
> > website soon.  All I will say for now is, if you ask your 3.5 year old
> > daughter if she would like a PC in her room, be prepared that she may
> > answer with:  "A pink one?".  Pictures online when the painting is
> > done. :-)
> Wow, its been 3.5 years already. Time sure flies when you're busy
> flunking out of uni. ( ^ _ ^ ; ;
> Pink would look pretty. Maybe like some of the Hello Kitty mods that
> I've seen around.
> What kind of paint are you using? I use Fast-Dry Enamel Spray paint
> but they're a bit expensive, is there a cheaper alternative?

I'm using Plasti-cote, used about 5 cans to cover the PC with one coat,
total cost about £12.  I'm not adding any addition graphics to the case,
although with my daughter's love of stickers it won't stay that way for
long.  I'm trying to find a cheap TFT monitor (small desk), I'll then
have to spray that :-(

David Watson
david at planetwatson.co.uk
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