[Liverpool] open office at merseybroadband

Daniel Hulme lpool-lug at istic.org
Wed May 11 16:18:45 BST 2005

> -- 
> Neil Bothwick
> If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft.

I resent that sig. I have friends who work for Microsoft and some of
them are very bright people who have very cool ideas. They consistently
complain that all the best features of their research are taken out for
sales and/or legal reasons. Roger Needham set up the first Microsoft
Research in the UK after retiring from his headship of the Cambridge
University Computer Lab.

Microsoft has many problems, but they pay well enough to ensure that
people aren't one of them.


Now  as he walked by the sea  of Galilee,  he saw  Simon and Andrew  his
brother casting a spam into the net:  for they were phishers.  And Jesus
said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become phishers
of men.  And  straightway  they forsook  their  nets,  and followed him.
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