[Liverpool] Re: Hardware

Mark Atherton saberwolf at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Nov 23 15:47:53 GMT 2005

James Lang wrote:

>I have found this, it looks ok, the ram is from the same company but the
>"value" line and Im not sure about the motherboard, what do you think? -
>http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Athlon_64_Bundles.html its the top one
>Liverpool mailing list
>Liverpool at mailman.lug.org.uk
    hmmm the overclockers one seems nice, just wondering how good the 
motherboard is because abit's site is a little sparse on detail. See the 
other set has an nforce 4 board which are always pretty sweet.
    An interesting note is thast you get a 3200 with the overclockers 
bundle and  an athlon 3000 with the other one. Dont let this sway you 
too much since in performance terms they are very similar, if i remember 
correctly the 3000 has a smaller cache and is tiny bit slower but most 
comparisions i have seen put them very close. So what i recommend it 
comparing the motherboards in each bundle and see which looks better.

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