David Watson david at planetwatson.co.uk
Tue Dec 5 09:48:51 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 05 December 2006 08:59, Aidan McGuire wrote:
> LOCAL MP J Pugh has put down an EDM questioning BECTA and its policy
> on OSS. Could you use writetothem.com and contact your local mp. Full
> details on what to do are on the www.openschoolsalliance.org
> 49 MPs from six parties have now signed the EDM for the Open Schools
> Alliance on FOSS in schools.
> To read the EDM go to:http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?
> EDMID=31752&SESSION=885
> This is a northwest initiative.
> If you can help further please let me know.
> Aidan

Hey Aidan,

I've just used writetothem.com to send a letter to Jane Kennedy, urging her to 
sign the EDM and giving some background information on the issue.  

So for anyone else who wants to get involved just go to 
http://writetothem.com, enter your postcode, select the MP shown and write 
them a letter.  It will be harder for then not to sign the EDM if some more 
people also write to her.

David Watson
Lugmaster, Programmer, Bass Player


IM(jabber): dwatson at planetwatson.co.uk

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