[Liverpool] Re: Liverpool Digest, Vol 93, Issue 4

Jakub Ambrozewicz jakub.ambrozewicz at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 12 18:18:33 GMT 2007

Dnia 12-02-2007, pon o godzinie 17:40 +0000, Iain MacGranthin
> Of course, I had forgotten about asking the LUG!!!
> Actually, I have a question about compiling java on my suse 10.2 set-up.
> I have downloaded ProjectX, and attempted to install the rpms from  
> packman.
> I had a feeling it wouldn't work, and it didn't, so I downloaded the  
> code from the projectx guys, tried to make sure I had java installed  
> along with development libraries, and the ran the build.sh script  
> that is contained therein.
> It worked fine on my OSX laptop, where I know there is a development  
> environment that includes java, but on suse 10.2 I immediately get  
> 'javac command not found', and 'jar command not found'.
If You are sure that You have Java Development Kit installed then make
sure that PATH includes JDK's 'bin' directory. 

Kind regards,
Jakub Ambrozewicz

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