[Liverpool] BarCamp Manchester

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Wed Jan 9 16:56:46 GMT 2008

Hey guys, thought you may be interested in this one.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Robinson <paul at iconoplex.co.uk>
Date: 9 Jan 2008 14:25
Subject: BarCamp Manchester needs you
To: manchester at bsdgroups.org.uk

This has been in planning for what seems like an eternity. :-)

By scaling things down to a one-day event and keeping it simple (aka
the "BarCamp Leeds approach"), we're just going to get things rolling.
And quickly.

We're still waiting for final confirmation on a venue, but we'll make
it happen one way or the other regardless. If we have to change venue/
dates, we should know in the next 7 days giving time to adapt.


What we really need now is:

1. People who would like to help run things - from co-ordinating with
the sponsor for food/drink to just helping out on the day - to put
their name down so we can start dividing up the work

2. An idea of numbers of people who want to attend to see if the venue
is the right size

At the moment Andrew Disley and I have been "leading" this with NWDC's
support, but we could do with more help on the ground to make sure
it's a success.

Let's get it rolling then...

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com

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