[Liverpool] Funding for projects?

Paul paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk
Mon Nov 10 22:54:48 UTC 2008


Does anyone have any advice on this? 

I have two software products (both for education) which I'm actively
working on. They run under .NET which means that they're happy for
Windows, Linux and MacOS X (as well as any other platform with
either .NET 2.0 or mono support) - indeed, they're both being written on
my Linux boxes so and tested by Mac and Windows users, so I know they're

The problem is that I can only do this during the evening, so
development is slow, hideously slow at times (one of them has had no
active development on it for about 6 weeks now) so I'm looking for some
form of investment so that I can work on them full time. 

I don't have clue one about how to go about getting this or what it
entails. Does anyone here have an idea on what I can expect or better
still, who I could approach?


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