[Liverpool] FACT Unconference 9 May

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Mon Apr 27 06:38:16 UTC 2009

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 09:48:49AM +0100, Heather Corcoran wrote:
> Hi guys
> I hope to make it back to a LLUG meeting again one day... good thing 
> we're not hosting them anymore cos I've had conflicts on the past two 
> and now May I can't do either! But June I will be there :)
> Anyway we're hosting an unconference coming up, on 9 May. Still in early 
> stages (early stages, 9 May... yes these things come together quickly!) 
> but refresh the link for updates soon...
> http://climateforchange.fact.co.uk/unsustainable_unconference
> I'm hoping a geeky contingent will come and represent - I expect to see 
> Adrian there at least! - so add y'self if you're interested and can 
> present or give a workshop or etc, for a critical mass of geek-ness. I'd 
> love to have some free software stuff happening, its really relevant.

I was going to mark myself down, but I just realised that it conflicts with OpenHack 2009 in London. Good to see more and more of these type 
of events up 'north :)

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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