[Liverpool] Software freedom (problems at the University)

Dave Love d.love at liverpool.ac.uk
Thu Dec 17 17:08:39 UTC 2009

Andrew Williams <andy at tensixtyone.com> writes:

> I'm more than happy to spend some time checking through some wireshark logs 
> if you want to. Connect to the AP and see what traffic you get spammed with. 
> Might be just a case of silent dropping one IP har har.

What if the university considered that to be helping someone gain
unauthorized access to the campus network?  Stranger things have
happened, and some of us have seen them.  It's unnecessary anyway; you
already referenced a page which takes you to working instructions as far
as I know.

(Dr) Dave Love
‘E-Science’, Computing Services Department, University of Liverpool
AKA fx at gnu.org

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