[Liverpool] Retro Computing

Joanne Roberts jo at thatgirl.co.uk
Fri Feb 6 11:14:48 UTC 2009

I have an A500 all setup at my Mum's house. One day I'll get round to
rescuing it, if only for the fact I can blackmail my Mum with all the
letters I typed to Santa when I was 4 that she didn't know about. I'm still
waiting for my A la Carte Kitchen :-(

2009/2/6 Andrew Williams <andy at tensixtyone.com>

> 2009/2/6 Adrian McEwen <adrian at mcqn.net>:
> > If it's NeXTSTEP you want, just get a Mac running OSX ;-)  I think the
> > NeXT Cubes are impossible to get hold of, but I know a couple of people
> > who got the pizza box NeXT machines a few years ago.  I still think the
> > SGIs were cooler :-p
> It's quite strange really, Apple bought NeXT Machines to "buy back"
> Steve Jobs, what they got as a extra made OSX what it is today. The
> legacy of NeXT will live on for a long time, even if Apple seem a
> little misdirected these days.
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