[Liverpool] Jan Meet - Follow-Up

Dan Lynch biglynchy at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 16:36:09 UTC 2009

Nice catching up with everyone last night, hope to see you all again soon.
Apologies to any new folks I didn't get a chance to talk to, I think Andy
may be right about the venue, I didn't actually know everyone was there for
the LUG meet at first, I underestimated our popularity hehe :) Still, I'm
sure we'll have a chance to chat in future. See you all next month!

Take care,



On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Andrew Williams <andy at tensixtyone.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just like to thank everyone who turned up last night, I think it was
> our biggest turnout so far!
> A few key things that popped up last night I'd like to just go over
> for everyone to discuss:
> 1. Social Event location
> We're starting to take over the bar, you may think I jest, but we had
> almost all the walled seats in the bar area last night. The FACT bar
> isn't really laid out to allow a decent social atmosphere as people
> usually end up on the outer edges and unable to hear what's going on
> at the other side. As usual we had a mention of the beer prices, a
> common and regular concern.
> We need a new bar, or just a decent location we can socialise to a
> decent degree and still remain as a group, cheap beer would be a nice
> addition.
> 2. Talks Location
> I've been told by Dan that Dave Page from Manchester Free Software has
> a "contact" with a book shop on Bold Street that not only has a
> community space but a few PCs running Ubuntu. I'll have a talk with
> Dave next time he's online and see if I can get more details.
> 3. Talks
> We've got alot of people signed up to give talks,  but we're always
> looking for more. If you want to give a talk then drop me an email and
> i'll add you to the list. We will try to organise the Feb talk well in
> advance and as per usual you'll get a email through the list with the
> announcement.
> 4. Microblogging
> LivLUG now has a few accounts on popular microblogging services, and
> on the previous notification email I posted a list. If you interested
> then listen to the "bot" for announcements.
> Anyway, again, nice to meet new people and I hope to see everyone
> again next month, if not before :)
> --
> Andrew Williams / Nik_Doof
> w: http://tensixtyone.com/
> e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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