[Liverpool] President of Spain confirms that Bill Gates named Extremaduran Linux Project as a worldwide success

oscillik oscillik at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 16:23:09 UTC 2009

umm, this is like Engrish, but...not


*From: *Alberto Barrionuevo <abarrio at ffii.org>
*Date: *4 June 2009 16:34:34 BDT
*To: *floss at ffii.org, FFII bxl <bxl at ffii.org>
*Subject: **President of Spain confirms that Bill Gates named Extremaduran
Linux Project as a worldwide success*


The president of Spain, Mr. Zapatero, yesterday confirmed publicly that
Gates told me that 'there was a region in Spain that shines as a world
because the extension of the new technologies and the open source in it, and

this region is Extremadura".

http://devolucion.org/school20 [English]
http://devolucion.org/educacion20 [Spanish]

All this happens in the middle of a strong battle opened in Spain for the
digitalization of its whole low and medium educational system with 2,6 mio.
mini-laptops, as recently was promised in the Parliament by Mr. Zapatero.

Microsoft has been hiddenly working since months ago to get all them with
Windows, but of course the strong Spanish open source community rejects to
Microsoft with the Spaniards' taxes for something that can be easily
for free by open source software as has been demonstrated in many so
regions of the country during the last 10 years. And less taking in care the

strong economical crisis that is suffering the country with currently near
20% of its population unemployed.

But the confrontation has moved also to the Government and its party, the
(social-democrats), because the Ministry of Education, via Ms. Eva Almunia,
trying to promote the Windows solution, while the party push ideologically
the open source one as said by its number three: Ms. Leire Pajín.

For sure more news will come...  ;-)

Saludos from an day after day hotter Spain,
Alberto Barrionuevo
Ex President FFII
For FFII matters, please, contact to President Benjamin Henrion

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