[Liverpool] Fw: [LSF] "Gizza Lift! Appeal"

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Thu Nov 12 12:05:08 UTC 2009

Just a quick message, our hosts are still having issues with their lift and it 
looks like the solution will be a costly one. If anyone could spare a few pounds 
either as a donation or a loan as described below it would be appreciated. With 
the lift fixed it would also provide disabled access to the LSC.

----- Forwarded message from News From Nowhere Bookshop <nfn at newsfromnowhere.org.uk> -----

From: News From Nowhere Bookshop <nfn at newsfromnowhere.org.uk>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:02:31 -0000

Please could you circulate this appeal for News From Nowhere, Liverpool's Radical & Community Bookshop.

Many thanks!



News From Nowhere's lift has broken down and will cost £4000 to repair!

This will be very hard for us to find from our regular income.


The lift serves our 5-storey building and users include our tenants, elderly & disabled visitors to the 2nd floor Methodists and Liverpool Social Centre in the Basement.


We had a wonderful response to our Appeal earlier in the year - we raised £10,000 for our running costs, which has put us on a much more even keel. And the building is now fully tenanted which will help over the longer-term.


If you are one of those who supported us, THANK YOU!  We don't wish to impose on you further, but if you missed the boat or can pass this on to others, then this is your chance to support Liverpool's Radical Bookshop.


We are looking for 40 people to loan us £100 each

(anything larger or smaller also gratefully received)


This can be as an INTEREST-FREE CASH LOAN to be repaid over the next 2 years. (We can repay some, but not all, earlier.)

Or as a CREDIT LOAN - to be reclaimed as books from December onwards - save now for those Xmas/Hanukkah/Solstice presents!


Please forward this message. And apologies for bothering you all again.


Many thanks from News From Nowhere Collective

96 Bold St, Liverpool, L1 4HY  0151 708 7270  nfn at newsfromnowhere.org.uk


P.S. The best support, of course, is to keep buying your books (& other goodies - world music CDs, DVDs, Cards, Calendars, Diaries, Crafts etc) from us! 

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Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy (at) tensixtyone.com
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