[Liverpool] Software freedom (problems at the University)

Vladimir Jakubovskij vladimir.jakubovskij at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 23:05:37 UTC 2010

Hello, Dave!

Sorry, but could you clarify what you meant in your email. It's probably 
my English skills' fault,
but the email just wasn't clear.
> I'd urge people to take this as an example of how _not_ to behave with
> an institution and the people in it who might actually be your friends
> if you want to get something changed.

Did you mean me, and my 'behaviour'?

>   Consider if it's more likely
> Vladimir will now have people keen to help him (e.g. to open the
> firewall),
> or that words will be had with his department, for instance.
Words about what? My department (which is music department) has nothing 
to do
with double standards employed by the CSD and the fact that CSD is not 
their own guidelines (which is effectively - bending rules) and not 
registering my Linux
laptop to the network.
> (I can only say what the reaction will be if he wants help from the
> research support group, including the only one in CSD you might see
> wearing an FSF t-shirt.)
And what that reaction will be? What is the research support group? It 
is very .... emmm..
[what word to use?] embarasing to hear about the existense of such a 
group from a person
accidentaly involved in / familiar with the situation (if I didn't write 
about it here, you
wouldn't hear about it, Dave, I think); as the only thing I heard from 
CSD was:
"you are strongly advised not to use file-sharing apps" (this was in 
reply to the notion,
that my research topic is "Promoting *new talent* using BitTorrent 
networks and file-sharing
in general"). Needless to say - it doesn't involve sharing the 
copyrighted content online.
> If anyone else needs university-specific GNU/Linux information they
> can't easily get via official channels,
There's no information you can get there (the one you can trust). The 
CSD issued documents
are often misleading, not accurate. And after all the CSD do make up new 
rules according to
each situation.
>   the internal linux-users list
> might be the place to ask.
3 years ago I looked at the list, and it was effectively dead. Has 
situation changed now?

>   For more general free software issues, they
> could contact me informally (or officially, if it concerns research
> support).
Thank you for this offer, Dave. If you don't mind I will use the contact 
with you in the future.


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