[Liverpool] MFS Talk. Tuesday, 20th July. Dr. Roy Schestowitz, "Present and future threats to software freedom"

Michael Dorrington michael.dorrington at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 11:43:29 UTC 2010

* Talk: Present and future threats to software freedom
* Speaker: Dr. Roy Schestowitz <http://identi.ca/schestowitz>

* Location: The Lass O' Gowrie's Salmon Room (upstairs).
* Address: 36 Charles Street, Manchester. M1 7DB
* Date: Tuesday, 20th July 2010 (3rd Tuesday of the month)
* Start time: 19:00
* Finish time: 20:30

This talk is by Dr. Roy Schestowitz on "Present and future threats to
software freedom":

    "The freedom of the software we use constantly faces challenges that
it must recognise in order to address. In this presentation, several of
them are highlighted and examples are given."

Dr. Roy Schestowitz: "Software Engineer, interdisciplinary researcher,
and an advocate of fair competition; holds a doctoral degree in Medical
Biophysics" and a big fan of software freedom and GNU/Linux.

The meeting will take place at the usual time, 7pm, at the Lass O'Gowrie
<http://www.thelass.co.uk/> pub on Charles Street in Central Manchester.
We will be located in the Salmon Room upstairs, although there will be
people around a little earlier downstairs (probably sampling the food
and drinks on offer). Just ask at the bar if you can't find us. Their
website has full details of how to get there and the fine selection of
food and drink available. The venue also provides WiFi.

More Information
General information about Manchester Free Software meetings can be found
on our websites.

* http://groups.fsf.org/wiki/Manchester/Meetings
* http://groups.fsf.org/wiki/Manchester/2010-06-15
* http://manchester.fsuk.org/blog/meetings/

If you would like five minutes to tell us about something, please
contact us at <fsuk-manchester-team at nongnu.org>.

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