[Liverpool] Fw: O'Reilly User Group Newsletter - November 2010

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Tue Nov 9 12:52:23 UTC 2010

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Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 11:32:44 +0000
From: josette garcia <josette.garcia at connect.oreilly.co.uk>
To: "andy at livlug.org.uk" <andy at livlug.org.uk>
Subject: O'Reilly User Group Newsletter - November 2010
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O'Reilly User Group Newsletter: November Issue

Dear Andrew,

Three items not to be missed: 

Maker Faire UK:
Are you a Maker or somebody who enjoys things done by Makers or looking at Makers at work? 
Maker Faire will be back in Newcastle on March 12th-13th. Eitherway register your interest http://connect.oreilly.co.uk/oreillyuklz//lz.aspx?p1=05029S75&w=1295&cID=0&cValue=1 and follow us on Facebook http://connect.oreilly.co.uk/oreillyuklz//lz.aspx?p1=05029S75&w=1299&cID=0&cValue=1 and/or Twitter http://connect.oreilly.co.uk/oreillyuklz//lz.aspx?p1=05029S75&w=1301&cID=0&cValue=1. 

Once again Dave Cross will be giving two perl tutorials: Intermediate Perl (February 15th-16th) and Advanced Perl (Feburary17th-18th). Check it out!

Being Geek:
I feel that Being Geek has been overlooked so I would like to flag it to those who find it difficult to develop their career. This book will help you to: 
. decide what you are worth
. determine the nature of the miracle your CEO wants
. give effective presentations
. handle liars and people with devious agendas    
. realise when you should be looking for a new gig. 
The User Group Newsletter, September issue can be seen here: http://connect.oreilly.co.uk/oreillyuklz//lz.aspx?p1=05029S75&p=1&cID=0&cValue=1

That's all for now!



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Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy (at) tensixtyone.com

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