[Liverpool] March Talk / Meeting

Simon Johnson simon.johnson at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 10:12:45 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Assuming I don't come down with another illness, I'm planning to do my talk
on the LISP interpreter I wrote at the next meeting. That's the 2nd of

The talk will be composed of three parts:

   - A quick introduction to LISP
   - How you build a LISP interpreter.
   - Some neat shit about side-effect free programming.

I'm not going to try and be too ambitious as I only have forty minutes and
the construction of a LISP interpreter takes ten lectures in the famous
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs series.

However, there should be enough detail for you to go away, look at the
source code, and work out how the hell it works!

Afterwards, we'll had down the pub for a beer. If you have any questions
about the talk (or about life the universe and everything) I'll be happy to
oblige over a pint.


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