[Liverpool] Replay Expo

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Fri Nov 4 19:06:57 UTC 2011

Hi Folks,

Firstly my apologies for not mentioning this at the LUG meet. It's been a
crazy week. This is very last minute.

There's a big retro gaming expo in Blackpool this weekend. Our good friend
Les Pounder of Blackpool LUG told me about it when I was at the recent
Barcamp. I had wanted to go but there's too much work backlog now. I even
thought of a LivLUG trip, but was sidetracked.


If anyone has time over the weekend it's only 12 quid for the day. You can
play whatever you want then. Consoles, arcade machines, it all looks very
cool. Also Les (who's on this list) informs me there's a great chippy
across the road. How can you refuse that? There are still tickets available
on the door I believe. Check the site maybe.

Just thought I'd pass it on, even at this late stage. I know there are some
keen retro gamers among us. Hope some of you get a chance to go :)

See ya,

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