[Liverpool] Liverpool Linux User Group Meeting - Wed Sept 5th - 7:30pm

David Hughes dghughes82 at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 6 14:27:54 UTC 2012

I'd like to second that - last night was the second meeting I'd
attended. Very much enjoyed it, just regretted that I wasn't able to
join you all for a quick drink before getting the last train home.
Hopefully normal rail service will be resumed for next time.

By the way, Dan: You mentioned something about lug.org.uk looking for
sysadmins - couldn't find anything about it on their website, do you 
know who I'd need to contact for more information about that?



On 06/09/12 13:21, John Church wrote:
> Last night was my first meeting. I really enjoyed it and would like to
> thank all those who attended for making me feel welcome.
> I'd also like to say this to anyone who is on the mailing list but
> possibly a little apprehensive about attending the meetings:
> Just come along and give it a try, they don't bite.

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