[Liverpool] Exploring disconnected networks at FACT

Adrian McEwen adrian at mcqn.net
Wed Oct 14 11:04:42 UTC 2015


I was chatting to some friends at FACT recently and they mentioned a 
workshop that I figured might be of interest to some of you.

Artist Sebastien Pierre has been developing some tech he calls Invisible 
Islands (it looks like it's based on a Raspberry Pi with WiFi).  It's an 
"island" of internet access, not connected to the wider Internet, where 
he - and others - can explore issues around privacy and sharing, and 
what it means to have a network that's only accessible in a limited 
geographic area.

It feels like it might cross over into some of the community WiFi or 
peer-to-peer alternate networks that have been discussed in the past.

He's running a workshop about it at FACT in early November - (not much) 
more details and booking at 



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