[Liverpool] Next meeting

Defnet Media defnetmedia at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 15:18:48 UTC 2016

Great minds think alike Neil and it would be good to see you again Seb.
Here are some carefully chosen talks that will be on next week

*Speaker: *Brett Lempereur *Talk Title:* Theresa May Wants to Know What
Porn You’re Watching

Two parts to the talk: the first, explaining what the IPBill means and why
ICRs are worse than just your browsing history. Second, the really dumb
idea I had to broadcast my own browsing in real-time. What it is, how it
blew the fuck up, how the experiment has gone, and finally how to mitigate
government intrusion. @brettlempereur

*Speaker: *Matt Wilson *Talk Title: *Liverpool Internet Exchange

IX Liverpool and our plans for an internet Exchange in Liverpool and what
it could bring to our region. @mattwilson772

Speaker: Mark Russell *Talk Title:* Fighting global poverty through

I would like to share an example of how property rights in third world
countries disables people through access to capital and restricts their
opportunities. I would like to show an insight of how the blockchain
technology has the power to change this and also how this technology can
change the local poverty we see everyday on our streets. @mrrussell1

*Speaker:* Benjamin Mummery  *Talk TItle:* wibbly wobbly timey wimey – Time
travel in fiction and reality

Time travel is a staple trope in science fiction, but there is great
variation in the “”rules”” by which it is shown to operate (often within
the same works). I aim to summarise the more common mechanisms on display
and compare them to our current understanding of the universe (that bit
might get very slightly quantum).


On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Sebastian Arcus <s.arcus at open-t.co.uk>

> Hi all - I hope we are all well.
> Next week is the monthly meeting I think - do we have any presentation
> lined up?
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*Neil Morrin - Defnet Media Projects*
Email: neil at defnetmedia.com
Mob: 07940584482

Collaborative Media Production www.defnetmedia.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/defnetmedia
Twitter: @defnetmedia

*Collaborative Projects*
Creative Technologists Network - www.how-why-diy.com
Ignite Liverpool - www.igniteliverpool.com

Defnet Media
Address: 1st Floor, 96 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4HY
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