[Liverpool] Next Meeting: Wednesday September 7th at 7pm

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Wed Sep 7 14:45:38 UTC 2016

Hello all,

I hope you're doing well :)

Unfortunately I'm still sick so won't be along tonight. I hope to be back soon though, it's been ages.

Sorry I can't be there to say goodbye in person Samir but it's been really good meeting you and best of luck with the move. Maybe we'll see you again if you ever get back up this way.

See ya,


On 7 September 2016 11:22:52 BST, Sebastian Arcus via Liverpool <liverpool at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
>On 07/09/16 10:51, Samir Benmendil via Liverpool wrote:
>> On Sep 06, 2016 at 23:26, Neil Bothwick via Liverpool wrote:
>>> Our next meeting will be tomorrow, on Wednesday September 7th.
>> I won't be able to make the 7pm social, but if you let me know where 
>> you're going for drinks I might hopefully join later.
>> This will also be the last time I will be joining as I'm moving to 
>> Bristol at the end of this month.
>> I'd like to thank you all for the great and interesting time I had 
>> during the meetups.
>If I don't get to catch up with you tonight, thank you Samir for being 
>with us and all the best with your move to Bristol!
>Liverpool mailing list
>Liverpool at mailman.lug.org.uk
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