[Liverpool] Problems with new install of Kali GNU/Linux

Beauford Stenberg soliton108 at yahoo.com.au
Tue Apr 10 10:11:03 UTC 2018

Hello Liverpool LUG
I am new to Liverpool and the UK. I just purchased a new laptop and had a computer store nuke the operating system and install Kali GNU/Linux. I told the fella to do it with LAN. He installed Ubuntu. I told him I  requested Kali. Another two weeks in the store. It hasn't picked up the WiFi card. I don't have access to a LAN which is why I got the computer store fella to nuke the OS in the first place. I would really appreciate some assistance tweaking it to get it driving and wifi enabled and also some assistance in repartitioning as I am not sure the amount of memory and what is the best practice.
I also tried to do a wire LAN tether via USB with my mobile but couldn't get it working.
Cheers Beauford

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