[Liverpool] April meeting

Sebastian Arcus s.arcus at open-t.co.uk
Mon Mar 30 20:08:01 UTC 2020

On 30/03/20 13:40, Neil Bothwick via Liverpool wrote:
> I wouldn't bother with Zoom, having read about the sort of information 
> it sends back via their Facebook account...

Why am I not surprised. Almost everyone seems to squeese the last bit of 
personal data out of their users nowadays. I think I'm more shocked when 
I see a piece of software or service that *doesn't* snoop around like 
mad. Even bleedin' Mozilla is constantly prodding their users to sign up 
for all sorts of crap when using their browser, or interfere with local 
settings without consent - and have taken the habit of ramming updates 
down their users' throats for both Firefox and Thunderbird, no questions 
asked or alternatives provided (unless you are prepared to roll up your 
sleeves and hack at it with an axe). The end of the world couldn't have 
come soon enough!

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