[Liverpool] November meeting - Weds 4th @ 1900 GMT

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Mon Nov 2 12:49:09 UTC 2020

Hello folks,

It's that time again. We'll be having another online LUG meeting this 
Wednesday November 4th at the usual time of 1900 GMT (7pm to the 

This time Matt is going to tell as a bit about - https://asciinema.org/

We'll also continue to test out the self-hosted Jitsi he's set up for 
DOES Liverpool. So head to - https://jitsi.doesliverpool.com/livlug

If you use the Jitsi mobile app you'll need to set your server to 
jitsi.doesliverpool.com in the settings.

Any problems ping this mailing list and we'll see what we can do to help.

There's also a post about the meeting on our blog - 

Hope to see many of you online for a catch on Wednesday then, see ya :)


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