[Liverpool] LivLUG May 3rd Meeting - An Outing Instead

Dan Lynch dan at danlynch.org
Sun Apr 30 12:06:13 UTC 2023

Hi folks,

This Weds May 3rd would normally be our LivLUG meeting but this month as 
discussed it's Ignite Liverpool that night in LEAF on Bold St. So 
instead we are going to attend the event, I will also be helping out, 
playing music etc.

I've posted some info on the blog - 

You can find all the relevant links there to discover more about Ignite 
but the quick pitch is it's 5min talks on a variety of subjects and it's 
always fun. The theme for this edition is Eurovision.

Doors open 6pm, upstairs at LEAF and talks usually start about 7pm. Get 
there early to guarantee a seat, it's usually popular.

Please feel free to join us. We'll be back at DOES for a regular LUG 
meeting next month.

Hope to see some of you Wednesday, enjoy the Bank Holiday,


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