<div dir="ltr">-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br>Hash: SHA1<br><br>This month at Liverpool Linux User Group meeting, Simon Johnson will<br>be giving a introduction to cryptography from what it is to how it<br>affects people in their daily lives.<br>
<br>Simon was the co-author of "Cryptography for Developers" and is<br>currently a senior C# developer for a company based in Warrington<br>writing web applications, credit-card payment services and SMS<br>systems. His blog (<a href="http://ckwop.me.uk/">http://ckwop.me.uk/</a>) discusses topics varying from<br>
development methodologies to cryptography and modern science.<br><br><br>That doesn't mean I'm not an idiot!<br><br>Feel free to throw rotten fruit at me! Bonus points if it's fermented fruit.<br><br>Simon.<br>
<br>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)<br>Comment: <a href="http://getfiregpg.org">http://getfiregpg.org</a><br><br>iQEVAwUBSLqffn06WG7BA8kLAQKlaQf8Cq5RxRulw/hiA/RWcMak7IPrbSpuGma0<br>GA4YjNEmGI7zViX4tbklpauHUuAN2ZhCKBN3cKXqbrOpYST4dOjPdNLRZm/xjoHW<br>
=Kra+<br>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----<br><br><br></div>