Hey folks,<br><br>I'm involved in an event that I thought may be of interest to the group. We're going to run an <a href="http://ignite.oreilly.com/">O'Reilly Ignite</a> event in Liverpool on March 4th from 6-8pm. It'll be at the Liverpool Art & Design Academy and you can find more details (including maps) <a href="http://how-why-diy.ning.com/xn/detail/4501889:Event:482?xg_source=activity">at the Ning site</a>.<br>
<br>The basic premise is that you have a series of 5 minute talks, 20 slides set to auto advance every 15 seconds. Anyone can <a href="goog_1266189394745">propose a talk</a><a href="http://how-why-diy.ning.com/profiles/blogs/global-ignite-week-submit"> through the Ning site</a>. It should be fun, so if you want to give a 5min talk please jump in. All suggestions welcome, they can be about anything really, it doesn't have to be technical or geeky. It's all good. I'm supposed to be doing a talk myself but I have no idea what that will be about yet. Fingers crossed hey. If nothing else you can come along and laugh at me trying to make something up.<br>
<br>It you just want to come along and watch that's great too. The more the merrier. Hope to see some of you there.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Dan<br><br> <br>