<p>Well, just to answer this criticism I will weigh in, though I've been resisting it because I don't really know what this is even about. I've never played Minecraft in my life and I have no interest in it, or any alternatives. Someone else added that page to the site. I will forward your criticism to them. If you like?</p>
<p>The story is as follows. Some people want to set up some machines to play Minecraft on at OggCamp (apparently it's very popular). I didn't see a reason to be inhospitable or exclude them. They will all be Linux machines I am told. If you want to come along and set up machines running some of these alternatives then great. You'd be welcome. Ping me.</p>
<p>As I said at the start. I have little to no interest or involvement in this part of the event. If you want me to pass this on to the rest of the organizing committee I can. You can also use the contact form on the OggCamp site to express your concern.</p>
<p>See ya,</p>