<div dir="ltr">Dear LivLuggers<br><br>My employers, the National Oceanography Centre are looking for programmers for short-term contract work. We are a government funded research council, based on the Liverpool University campus. Contracts would be 3-6 months to begin with and we are recruiting at the post-graduate to post-doctoral level<br>
<br>Competency with linux, matlab, FORTRAN are required, and experience with numerical modelling, large data sets and high performance computing is also desirable. If you would like to know more please contact me at <a href="mailto:luic@noc.ac.uk">luic@noc.ac.uk</a>.<br>
<br>Please pass this on to possible interested people, I am hoping that livlug is a good portal to a whole world of excellent computing people. Any suggestions of where else to look for possible candidates would also be appreciated.<br>